Required Reading
Bhagavad Gita by Roopa Pai - we also have copies at the studio!
Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book
Suggested Reading
*Wheels of Life, Anodea Judith
Radiant Rest, Tracee Stanlee
Restorative Yoga for Race Based Stress and Trauma, Dr. Gail Parker
Accessible Yoga, Jivana Heyman
Deep Listening, Jillian Pransky
Anatomy of Movement, Calais-Germain
Yoga Anatomy, Kaminoff & Matthews
In Praise of the Goddess: The Devimahatmya and its meaning, Devadatta Kali
Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing, Dr. Vasant Lad
Stay Woke a meditation guide for the rest of us, Justin Michael William