Our Values & Agreements
Three Queens is committed to a practice of yoga known as householder yoga. This way of yoga is more than a movement practice; it is a way of being in relationship with ourselves, each other and the world with intention for positive impact.
Three Queens affirms yoga for all people regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, and/or economic status. We acknowledge yoga’s racial inequity, the roots of yoga, and our Western relationship to it.
Our application of yoga to daily life at times intersects with politics and social change. These are conversations we have at the studio, sometimes in class, and on social media.
We are in active inquiry around inclusion and equity. We intentionally work toward decolonizing the yoga industry, including access to training, diverse staffing, and financial aid.
We believe that through yoga, we can come together as a community and be part something bigger than just the self.
These agreements are a living document. As such they will be updated and amended as we continue to learn and grow. They are not exhaustive, but begin to outline how we commit to being in community with each other.
A Right To Privacy | Video & Recording
Photography or video recording during class is not permitted unless explicitly authorized by the instructor. This respects the privacy of all participants. If permission is granted, you must ensure no other students or clients appear in your content without explicit permission. Learn More Here
Honor your needs
Physically tune in, listen and trust your own body.
Listen for understanding, not to respond.
Practice whole being listening and being fully present with each other in the space
Practice bodily autonomy
Ask for consent prior to touching others and offer immediate feedback if others cross a boundary.
Make Space, Take Space
If you are the voice of dominant culture, allow space for others to speak. If you are quiet, speak up.
Struggle Together
We are in this together. Stay committed to this community space throughout this intimate process and beyond.
Curiously engage your edge
Honor your feelings of discomfort and be committed to your growth.
Recognize comfort vs safety
Feeling discomfort is not the same as feeling unsafe.
Speak from your own experience
Share stories and examples from your own life rather than sharing other peopIes stories
Observe the Yamas & Niyamas
Learn more about the yamas and niyamas here.
Three Queens acknowledges Michelle Cassandra Johnson, Kayla Walker, Dr. Natalie Edmond, Leo Valk, and Adriana Adelé, whose work and training have helped facilitate these agreements.