Meet Trina!

I've been an athlete and student all of my life and yoga is another expression of both for me.  

I came to the physical asana more than a decade ago after a really, really bad shoulder injury and follow up surgery and luckily I had a great surgeon and pt and both recommended I try yoga to open up my shoulder and I was immediately hooked. 

I followed Alex Holmes from gym yoga to Three Queens Yoga which led me to ask Mariel and Erick how to go deeper into yoga philosophy.  I'm a professor of global business and I have studied, researched and taught comparative culture and its impact on values, desires, beliefs, attitudes and motivations my whole adult life, so I dove into yoga philosophy with Mariel's yoga philosophy teacher, Dr. Douglass Brooks.  So I've been taking courses with him for the past 8 years or so and I've also studied yoga philosophy with Susanna Harwood Rubin and Harshada David Wagner. I did yoga immersion in 2016 and the 3QY teacher training 2018-19, both with Mariel and I've worked asana and corrective exercise privately with Larry Mele at Soma for over 10 years.

My favorite pose has changed as I have changed, both mentally and physically.  I used to absolutely love Bird of Paradise for its combination of strength, balance and elegance, but over the past 5 years it has become more of a chore than a joy.  I love doing a one handed hand stand for its in your face declaration that I can still be strong as I age and I love Wild Thing for its flair and the fact that it originated out of a misstep, falling out of vashistasana, illustrating the concept of lila, of play, that there's always something extra, something more.  

My classes are a mix of challenge and chill. Expect to explore strength and flexibility within alignment.  Depending on the day I might throw in some yoga stories or concepts or I may just talk about my cat!  Ever watch a cat stretch?  That's aspirational.

Outside of yoga, when I'm not doing the professor thing  I hang out with my husband and I cook and I bake and I endurance cycle and I work out.  You can catch me and my kitchen exploits on IG @trina_andras ,  (and you can also follow my cat,@jetthekittykat on IG as well, haha). 


Encountering Shivaratri


Meet Stacia!