What does 'trauma-informed' actually mean? The terminology ‘trauma-informed’ and ‘trauma-sensitive’ have been buzzing around the yoga industry a lot recently. But what do these words actually mean? How do we ensure that we are actually reducing harm and building resilience in our communities? Join Ashley Tryba learn how to make spaces that are safer and more supportive for participants with different experiences of embodiment. Get grounded in the science, history, and context of a 'trauma-informed' perspective and work together to consider which promising practices might work for your yoga community.
Together we will:
Acquire knowledge about the latest relevant science regarding our own trauma and stress response
Learn how to leverage insight about your specific community members, students, clients to apply promising, science-backed approaches for building a positive and resilient culture in your community
Practice working collectively to create supportive structures
Workshop developing regulation skills/plans for yourself + how you might work with specific community members to do the same,
Discuss how we can use this information to teach compassionate and empowering classes,
Develop trauma-informed conflict resolution skills.
What is Trauma Informed will be offered in studio and virtually. Replays will be available for 5 days.
Community Pricing
$75- Tier One (discounted)
$100 - Tier Two (pays for you)
$125 - Tier Three (supports others/as well as yourself)